Instant Expert 2.0 Training

Quality Petroleum’s Shell Instant Expert 2.0 Program is an up to 90-minute training session that enables you to learn about Premium products and how to recommend them to your customers. Interactive role-playing activities provide an opportunity to practice the skills that can help you identify customer needs and recommend the right motor oils.

  • Once you finish the training, you and your staff will be able to:

    Understanding of the different types of oils and industry changes

    Consistently identify customer service needs based on vehicle make, model and mileage

    Recommend the right oil and services to meet customer needs

    Build the trust and relationships with your customers that can lead to repeat business

  • The Quality Petroleum Shell Instant Expert 2.0 program helps you apply and practice methods that can help you more confidently “right sell” the best products for your customers, including:

    How to engage customers and ask the right questions to identify their needs

    How to present the right Premium products while building customer trust and long-lasting customer relationships

  • By helping you identify customer needs and sell the right products, the Quality Petroleum Shell Instant Expert 2.0 program can help enable you and your staff to:

    Build customer loyalty

    Increase sales of premium High Mileage, Synthetics, and Ultra-Synthetic oil changes

    Foster the long-lasting customer relationships that lead to customer loyalty